고우택 Koh Woo-taek

A Study on Concept Car Design for the Old Generation
Focusing on Electric Wheelchair Docking System

The idea cropped from the very concept of making a multipurpose vehicle keeping in mind of elderly person concerning mobility and daily normal activities.

For those with physical disabilities, personal mobility also means personal freedom. Adults and childrenalike that are mobility challenged require extra assistance through solutions such as scooters and wheelchairs. Such devices give hope and movement to those living with physical disabilities but then there is always a line drawn in terms of their limit of mobility as their horizon is always limited in terms of daily mobility and long distance.

COMBI is a valiant effort to reduce the same concern.

For these individuals this is a freedom to go where they want or do what they want to do without exerting monumental amounts of physical activity.

This thesis tend to eradicate major points which further enhance its design to a large extent as being the only designed car to be used for both normal and elderly person with equal respect.
